UPDATE: Victoria's stay was extended through January 2022
Protect Victoria Galindo.
Victoria is a single mother of four and an essential worker providing for unhoused veterans. Currently, she is facing deportation. Help us fight to save her.

Please help us spread the word and prevent Victoria from getting deported. Explore this site to discover ways to help.
About Victoria
Victoria Galindo is a single mother of four. She is an essential worker at the Vagabond Inn, helping to care for homeless veterans and elderly people in need of housing during COVID-19. Since 2011, she has submitted applications to stay in America. Since 2011, her Stays have been granted. This year, her application submitted in February was denied. Victoria is beloved member of the Venturacommunity and a client at the Law Office Vanessa Frank. Please join our fight in preventing Victoria from being deported and taken from her home.

Day 7

Day 5